Techweek Highlight Event

TechweekTV: Continuing The Growth Of NZ Tech

What does the future hold for Tech in NZ? Get the big picture view from the CEO of NZTech, and look at how we can ensure continued growth.

What's it all about?

Get a grasp on the future of tech in NZ with Graeme Muller, CEO of NZTech, the national NGO that is working to help create a prosperous New Zealand underpinned by technology. He discusses the future of New Zealand tech and what kiwis can do to ensure our continued relevance on the global stage. 

Join the session to gain an understanding of the infrastructure that’s needed for continued growth, how things are tracking now and what’s coming next. From government policies to education pathways, discover a comprehensive view of what we need to consider and the implications for the economic growth of Aotearoa. 

NZTech has long been facilitating the growth of the New Zealand tech ecosystem. Make the most of this overarching view of the future of tech in NZ from the ultimate experts. 

You can drop into this event at any time.

Nationwide Webcast

Tuesday 21 May
2:30pm - 2:55pm

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Graeme Muller


Graeme Muller is the CEO of NZTech and is passionate about the impact that technology can make to the economy. During his tenure, NZTech's membership has seen phenomenal growth. This includes the establishment of the Tech Alliance, representing 21 of New Zealand's largest tech associations. He is also the chair of the Auckland ICT Grad School, Agritech New Zealand and New Zealand's IoT Alliance. Graeme has a 20 year career in technology and business research, management consultancy and marketing across multiple sectors and geographies.

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