Thinking of getting involved in Techweek19?

Techweek19 submissions are now closed, but drop us a line at if you still want to submit an event for the festival.

Why get involved?

- Techweek's nationwide marketing campaign includes a digital campaign with targeted content across all Techweek channels, and nationwide physical presence in the form of outdoor advertising and the programme flyer.

- Leverage the Techweek brand and assets on your website, newsletters, and even your venue to showcase yourself as an official Techweek event. 

- Connect with our extensive network to build on your own, without doing the hard yards. Get social and tag us @techweeknz to extend your reach and audience (we're social butterflies, so you'll find us with that handle on most platforms).

- Looking for an expert in a particular area? The Techweek team has plenty of thought leaders and keynote speakers on speed dial.

- Upskill yourself with our helpful video series and resources on how to run a great event and become a social guru. 

- iTICKET has been confirmed as the Techweek19 Official Ticketing Partner, which means event organisers will have access to preferential ticketing rates and hands-on support from the iTICKET team. The ticketing system will integrate with event listings on our website and all events will also feature on iTICKET's website to boost the exposure. Review their fees here.

- The Techweek Team’s promotional activity runs all year round, not just during Techweek. If you're running events throughout the year, or would like to, this is a good starting point to connect with us and see what support we can give you.

- Engage with our Techweek Regional Coordinators who can help with making local connections and provide hands-on support throughout the event planning and delivery stages.

- Joining the Techweek event organiser community means connecting in to a nationwide network of inspiring movers and shakers who are helping strengthen the innovation ecosystem in New Zealand. The Techweek platform harnesses the power of the community to help you make your event the best it can be, by connecting you with the people you need to make it happen (whether you're after a free venue, cool speakers, or even someone to bring along the coffee).

Discussion Forum

Remember to get on the Techweek19 Discussion Forum to talk to your regional coordinator, other event organisers, and connect with the wider tech network. You can find available venues and speakers, or just bounce some ideas around.

Techweek19 Event Listing Fee

The team has been working through some ways in which Techweek can become self-funding. While we have government funding through to the end of Techweek19, we want to ensure its continuation. We want to make sure we can extend the festival’s success and continue to give back to the grassroots organisers - which is why it is still free for startups, community groups, charities, and schools.

Event Listing Fees

Please note all prices are per event listing 

Organisation Category
Standard Fee                
NZTech Alliance Member                 
Major Corporates $2,000 $1000
Large Corporates $1,500 $500
Medium Corporates, Universities $1,000 FREE
Small Corporates, Polytechnics, Established Conferences                     $500 FREE
Medium Business $100 FREE
 Small Business $50 FREE
Start ups FREE FREE
Government / Local EDAs FREE FREE
Community groups FREE FREE
Charities FREE FREE
Other Please contact Techweek at to discuss 


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