Get involved

As an Event Organiser

Techweek is an open platform for events run by individuals and organisations all across the country. We usually open our event submission process in October or November, working with a team of moderators in each region who can help guide you through the process of putting on a Techweek event. 

Techweek19 has just wrapped up, but keep an eye out for more information on how to be involved next year! 

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As a Region

Regional organisation and EDAs play a hugely important role in Techweek — working with event organisers locally to shape a festival programme that reflects the strengths and uniqueness of each place. We believe in strong and integrated relationships with our regional partners, if you would like to see your region step into the spotlight during Techweek in 2020, please get in touch.

Drop us a line

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As a Partner

If you're an innovative, future-focused organisation, Techweek is the ideal event partner. We exist to amplify New Zealand innovation that's good for the world, showcasing individuals and companies finding ingenious solutions to global challenges.

Aimed at local and international investors, business and technology leaders, and all New Zealanders who are curious about technology, Techweek’s audience is diverse, agile and hungry for exposure to innovative companies, services and products.

There’s a plethora of partnership opportunities on offer, but first and foremost we'd love to hear a little more about how you'd like to see your organisation's strategy align with Techweek.

If you’re interested in joining us as a Partner at Techweek, give us a shout, let's get this conversation started.

Give us a shout

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