Techweek Highlight Event

Techweek TV: The future of Tech in New Zealand and what AWS is doing about it

AWS leader in NZ, Tim Dacombe-Bird, will discuss why AWS is focused on making the world a better place through technology.

What's it all about?

Whether you’re an experienced AWS user, a startup founder, an enterprise professional, or just starting your cloud journey, AWS has the tools and training to help you build your dreams into reality.

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Nationwide Webcast

Friday 24 May
2:30pm - 3:00pm

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Tim Dacombe-Bird

Country Manager, New Zealand, Amazon Web Services

Tim Dacombe-Bird is a veteran of over 30 years in the New Zealand IT Industry having held senior roles with Compaq Computer, VMware and AWS. Tim was the first AWS employee based in New Zealand joining in 2013 and has grown the business in both customer numbers and staff in keeping with AWS’s global growth rates. A proud Wellingtonian, Tim is passionate about the success of the NZ Tech Community and building this success into tangible benefits for New Zealand’s future.

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