What is the Techweek19 Discussion Forum and how do you use it?

The Techweek19 Discussion Forum is a digital tool for event organisers to help them connect with the resources they need to run events during Techweek, and it's open now!

We highly recommend checking it out if you are interested in: 

  • Running an event during Techweek19
  • Providing a venue for Techweek19 event(s)
  • Speaking at a Techweek19 event
  • Providing in-kind of financial support for a Techweek19 event
  • Volunteering at Techweek19 events

The nationwide Techweek Team includes coordinators in most regions of New Zealand who are there to provide information and assist you with finding what you need to make your event a success. 

When you post about your event on the discussion forum, our coordinators will come back to you to find out more about your idea, and what you might need to make your event happen. If you're keen to speak at or support Techweek19 events in other ways, they'll help you make the right connections. The Discussion Forum is a great place to start organising and creating your event for Techweek19 ahead of submissions opening in January 2019. It's a good idea to get on the Forum now to touch base with the local community and your coordinator, as it will make the submission and approval process much faster in the new year. 

Techweek19 is New Zealand’s annual festival of innovation that’s good for the world and the Discussion Forum is your first opportunity to get involved. Join the conversation on the Discussion Forum now >>

By Team Techweek

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